Proudly Announcing Stabilise is a registered NDIS Provider for Adult Products!
We know that this announcement is going to be met with a range of responses.
For some people it will be “You’ve got to be joking? I can’t get my basic needs such as a wheelchair funded!” to “Thank Goodness! It is my basic need!”.
And that is the point of the NDIS! It was established to ensure people could make choices for themselves, just like everyone else in our society.
Since the establishment of Stabilise five years ago, we have been involved in raising and participating in conversations about sexual expression for people living with a disability, medical conditions and issues related to sexuality and aging.
Conversations have been with people living the experience, their partners, family members and workers in the sector and have been as varied as the people and places we’ve been, including Disability, Health, Diversity and Aging Expo’s where we have had exhibitors’ tables, private consultations, workshops and of course (The Big One!) Our “SexED Up Disability Sexuality Expo” in 2017 which highlighted the broad range of perspectives and issues impacting on what has been a taboo subject for too long- Disability and Sexuality!
The Expo provided a public forum to affirm people living with a disability were first and foremost human beings with the the same right to access adult products, opportunities to develop intimate relationships, to be seen and respected as diverse and inclusive and to have support to access sexual health and well-being professionals including sex workers, counselors and educators.
Essentially to have the same rights and opportunities as other members of society that enable, enhance and improve a basic aspect of humanity, sexual expression!
Our work has been made possible by the generosity, support and acknowledgement of this basic human right shared in collaboration with people living with disabilities, partners, family members and support workers, service providers and Advocacy services.
A huge Thank-you to everyone!
Individual Consultation has been an integral aspect of our work and one we are passionate about! The changes to the NDIS require additional processes prior to applying for registration in this area. We are currently undertaking this work and in the meantime can provide referrals to other service providers.
The details!
Stabilise is registered in Victoria, Tasmania, ACT and Queensland (We will be looking at how to register in Western Australia, South Australia and Norther Territory!)
Provider Registration Number: 4050015779
Code: Low Cost AT for Personal Care and Safety 03_090000911_0103_1_1
For people with a plan-manager or whose plan is NDIA-managed:
A quote will be created with the participants details through the NDIS portal.
Once the payment is made the products will be sent.
For people with Self managed plans:
Products can be purchased directly through Self-Managed plans and an invoice will be issued so that a reimbursement can be made through the NDIS.
Processes, including and online form for purchases have been included on the website.
Fantastic. I am one if the few sexologists NDIS registered for Tasmania and always looking for great referrals