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Past Events:


Addressing Taboo: Intimacy after Spinal Cord Injury Forum 


Where: Ross House: Room 4.01 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne

When: 13 June 2017 1.00pm to 4.30pm


SexED up Expo

The “SexED UP Expo” is for adults living with a disability, their partners, family, current and future Health, Community and Disability sector workers and those with an interest in this area.


The Expo will provide an exciting opportunity to attend workshops, information and training sessions to address sexuality and intimacy of people living with a disability. Sessions provide a platform for discussion, education and policy development to improve, enable and enhance this often unacknowledged aspect of people’s lives.

For more information about the February 2017 Expo see











Stabilise has had the pleasure to be involved in a  number of Events across Victoria including:




Febuary 2016


VALID "Having a say Conference" in Geelong.


September 2015


 "Disability and Sexuality Forum".


"Let`s Talk About Sex" Conference: Inagual Conference on Sexuality and Aging- Co Hosted by COTA and Alzheimers Australia.


- Professional Development session Austin Hospital 16.04.2015


- VALID "Having a Say" Conference Febuary 2015


- Bendigo Health-Loddon Mallee Acquired Brain Injury Network "National Acquired Brain Injury Conference 2014


- Community Care Case Managers Conference August 2014


- Professional Development Session for Uniting Care : "Life assist"


" Thank goodness Stabilise exists as I believe that it really will fill a huge gap in the industry"


- Professional Development Session for C.B.D.A.T.S (Community Brain Disorders Assessment and Treatment Service) At the Royal Talbot Hospital


- VALID "Having a Say" Conference  Febuary 2014




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